What You Should Know About Clash Of Clans
If you play Clash of Clans just as so many people do, then you likely devote a lot of time to making sure you’re doing well in the game. However, do you ever wonder if there is more you could be doing to strengthen the way that you play? There are actually many tips and tricks that you can use to excel at Clash of Clans, many of which are listed below. Use these to increase your resources, do better in missions, or even earn more trophies within the game!
Choose Your Targets:
Before you start dropping troops, make sure you look at the town hall level your opponent is at. If you choose players who have levels that are lower than yours. However, if you are after resources, you may end up getting more if you lose a battle against someone with a higher level. If you’re just starting out, it’s definitely better to stick with attacking lower levels instead.
Shield Yourself:
It’s important to use your shield to make sure your town doesn’t go down in flames. You will automatically get one that lasts for 12 hours if your town is more than 40% destroyed and you’ll get a 4-hour shield if you get to 90% destroyed. Use this time to build your resources, including your defense towers and army. By doing so you’ll be ready to defend yourself once the shield goes down.
Build Up Walls:
One of the best defenses in this game is to have tons of walls set up before your enemies come to strike you. However, even with multiple walls you’re not guaranteed to have a good defense. For best results, upgrade them as quickly as you can (without spending gems).
Strike Back:
When an attacker comes at you, make sure you take time to analyze their village at a later time. Once you do this, you will know when they are the most vulnerable. After they have loaded up on resources, attack them with everything you’ve got and you’ll strike back better than ever before!
Save Up Spells:
Saving up the spells that you get is important because they can be expensive as well as slow to make. By doing so you will be able to fight against harder enemies when you really need to, rather than burning them when it’s not really necessary. One quick tip for determining if you should use a spell is to see if it will give you more in return than what you spent on it. For example, if a spell cost 15k in resources, you want to make sure you’ll get more than 15k in resources back from your enemy.
Save Up Gems:
Although it’s tempting to spend all of your gems, especially when you want to speed up production on things that take a while to build. You can get more information about how to get gems on cocastuces.fr However, doing so could result in having no gems left for more important things. Save them as much as you can so you watch the number of gems you have continue to build. In the future you can use all that you accrued for huts and other items that are important for you to have in the game.